Orca's systems can be configured for many different sizes and material feed capabilities.
We can equip your system with laser powers ranging from 25 Watts to 400 Watts. What you see below is just a sampling.

Flat Bed Laser System
The Flat Bed Laser System is the right choice when manual handling of materials is needed. The FBL has a fixed cutting table, and is Orca's lowest cost system. Material is loaded and unloaded manually from the cutting area. The FBL can be upgraded to automated material feed as your business needs grow. A wide range of sizes is available.
Please contact us for information about your specific application, or download a short-form brochure.

Conveyor Feed Laser System
The CFL is designed for easy integration with roll-fed materials handling. It a 16 foot conveyor for material transport to the basic design of the FPL. The infeed and outfeed portions of the conveyor are typically 4.5 feet, and our new models have overhangs at each end so material bins may be parked beneath the conveyor. The conveyor itself is a proprietary aluminum slat design. In conjunction with pinch rollers the conveyor permits powered advance of rolled materials, or of materials in long bolts feeding out of bins.
Please contact us for information about your specific application, or download a short-form brochure.

Shuttle Feed Laser System
The Shuttle Feed Laser provides efficient input and output of raw materials delivered in sheet form. This system has the same footprint as the conveyor system but employs a moving table to position material in the cutting zone. Sheets of material (examples might be cardboard, foamcore, or acrylic) are loaded onto the input table; this is moved into the cutting zone, the pattern is cut, and the table shuttled out again where the cut material is unloaded. This is highly efficient when coupled with a robot sheet loader.
Please contact us for information about your specific application, or download a short-form brochure.
Custom Systems
Orca is proud of our capability and track-record in providing custom systems at reasonable prices. Please contact us to discuss your special requirements.