The LCM-10 uses Orca's patent-pending Optotrak technology to provide the highest available measurement precision for layer thickness control of coatings being deposited in the 1.5μm telecomm band.
The base Laser Coating Monitor system consists of 3 rack mount units, occupying a total height of 9U (13.75 inches). The system also includes a standard desktop PC with keyboard, mouse and monitor for system control and data output. Rack mount computer configurations are available as an option.
The Laser Coating Monitor is coupled to the customer's coater via fiber-optic cables. Small transmitter and receiver collimators are mounted at the input and the output windows. Kits containing all of the optical and fiber components needed, including mounting hardware, are available for many popular commercial coaters.
Major Features

- Effective Measurement Bandwidth <10 GHz (variable)
- Wavelength range: 1510-1580 nm
- L-Band Model Available
- High Precision: ± 0.1% ΔT/T (10 secs, Before Signal Processing)
- Fast Response Time: > 2 Hz update Rat
- High Dynamic Range: Full Performance to T<1%
- Convenient Fiber-Optic Coupling to Chamber
- Optical Interface Kits Available for Many Commercial Coaters
- User-Friendly Software Runs Under Windows-2000
- PC Workstation Provides Monitoring of Coating Run Progress
- Client-Server Software Architecture Allows Multiple Coating Monitors to Be Operated From a Single PC
- Layer Stop-Calling Software Module is Part of Base Software
- Optional Software Coater Control is Available in Many Commercial Coaters
- Capability for Quick Passband Scans of Filter Performance While Still Under Vacuum
- Optional Software Module for Seamless Closed Loop Wavelength Monitoring and Control With a Wavemeter
System Configuration
Laser Coating Monitor systems are configured for each specific customer requirement. Orca will be pleased to provide consultation for your application at no charge. Systems can be customized to meet non-standard requirements.