The LRS100 Elastic Backscatter Lidar is a complete, turnkey system intended for measurement of aerosols and particulates. The entire system (except for data acquisition workstation) is a single package. A weatherproof enclosure is available as an option, as shown in the accompanying photo.
The LRS100 is based on a ruggedized Nd:YAG laser transmitter. The baseline version operates at 532 nm. Orca can provide systems configured for 355nm, 1.064µm, or an eyesafe version operating at 1.57µm, on special order.

The system shown in these photos is the dual-polarization version, called the LRS-100P. Because of the dual-polarization capability, this system can reliably differentiate between water and ice clouds.
The original LRS-100 design was developed under a contract from Utah State University, Dr. Tom Wilkerson, PI. The project was funded by the Army Research Office.